Monday, February 15, 2010

Wet Goodnites Wearing Pullups When Ur 13 Is It Ok Because I Wet The Bed Goodnites Do Not Fit They Have Princesses On Them?

Wearing pullups when ur 13 is it ok because i wet the bed goodnites do not fit they have princesses on them? - wet goodnites

Did you seek professional help for bedwetting as a teenager? Not sure, but does not think that is very common. Or at least the young people are not willing to admit. You are brave. I am sure that you do not drink alcohol, not something for at least 2 hours before going to bed right? Perhaps you should also set an alarm for the morning and 2-3, like going to the toilet. Something in his brain wakes up when you have to pee. I would rather lose sleep by the alarm every 2 hours, than if you use a diaper "in bed. I would do if I were you. You can not go to bed with an empty bladder.


Kari said...

yes, yes, perfectly fine and normal. I do it all the time. Tho I prefer the Dora the Explorer. It's a great show. Light of my singing and "Dora Dora Dora the Explorer!" Then click on the anthers and leaves' n slide Swipe! " U no, no, push the hook up cuz Drain ULL. lol u get it? so cute! Oh, and my grandmother, she uses them too. BT is a bit weird in gym class or not, dressing out with a pull-up, BT politely explain the situation ur all good. Mayb u can not sing a little model for all the lights primal pull-ups pullups UR. I do not know how the princess. important and should be Dora the Explorer, or instead goodnites badmornings trying to change. thts nice brand. I hope to help you. And do not worry ur fight against the problem of enuresis. Only BLOw dry dry in the morning, a little air freshener and ur good to go. If you do not feel it tingling or THT THT uu said that I need to drop something, then fine, but do not worry. normal at the age of the Uruguay Round.

McLovin said...

You should go to the doctor to give you a recipe or something, or if you are not comfortable adult diapers get

lilyanke... said...

I think you're a little old for pull-ups

Kailey S said...

yah ...... its good

my friend used to have the same problem, but his doctor gave him pills to help you!

calins_2... said...

I would say it's a little too old to wear pull-ups too. No offense. They must learn to wake up at night to go to the toilet. If you do not do this to the memory that once you awaken during the night. Your parents can help with?
If you do not do it alone, then you need professional help because of his age, should be in a position to the bladder or the feeling, if necessary, to control to the bathroom.
I hope to do better.

lisaaa said...

go to the doctor, can help solve this problem instead of pull-ups to wear:)

Mother and wife said...

Not register because they have princesses on them?
Try it depends ... lol

jburford... said...

It is beautiful, and if they agree, if Need U ..... Goodnites are better for older children or adults .... .... At any rate, levels of hope U Get Over You Bedwetting

Mrs.Cull... said...

My God, yes
who said that not right?

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