Friday, January 15, 2010

Infant Red Rash My 7 Week Old Infant Has A Neck Rash...what Is Safe To Use On His Skin?

My 7 week old infant has a neck rash...what is safe to use on his skin? - infant red rash

When my son about 4 weeks, he developed a network and the type of products in a rash on the neck and the wrinkles on the neck. I applied baby powder with cornstarch in the neck of medication at bedtime and be evacuated. Today at 7 weeks of the rash is back. I also see that the form on the envelope in his left arm. Could it be eczema? How should we handle it the rash? The doctors appointment is on Tuesday, just wanted to know what he had hitherto not


angie_la... said...

No, not eczema. Who is usually in the corners and open spaces in the first position (elbows, abdomen, knees, etc..) My daughter has it too! It really sounds like a sweat rash. Suda (or saliva or other) and rubs his first acquisitions. Sometimes, in the folds of the neck and in other areas. Be sure to wash, rinse, and dry the area very well and regular baby powder (or cornstarch, which the "old school" method) is very good. My doctor told me if you badly, or remained constant, a diaper rash cream, but I love him because he worked hard on the neck. I just want a very light dusting of baby powder, he kept around his neck after the bath and in check. Doctors are now of baby powder, because it taught the children terribly disappear, breathe, so just put some of my fingers and rub on the neck of my daughter. Hope that helps!

Bailey K. said...

My son is the same. The armpits, the folds, but especially in the neck. I think if I swim every day and make sure the folds of the neck, very good clean every time, then the red / decrease in hardness. When I go back a day or two bad ... even if it stinks a little. How to diaper rash. But he is sweating, dirty, and you rub together the fat. So every day cleaning works for me. Good luck!

wonderin... said...

Hello, I'm not a doctor or anything, but I experience this with my son at that age. Doctor said that my child often.If which develops the rash, because you have next.I and sweat stays at the crease was baby powder to soothe it.But to make sure clean if it is the same as my son went they create will shortly.My son was a little thick, has many roles for over Fuzzies sweat with some of his clothes, so be sure to clean often and apply baby powder.I Hope this helps.

nubileon... said...

Sounds like a diaper rash. It could be the brand of detergent you caused. Keep the area ventilated and dry as possible. Do not use creams that contain boric acid, camphor, phenol, methyl salicylate, or tincture of benzoin, contain altogether. These things can be harmful. Talc and cornstarch are not recommended. Talc can penetrate the lungs of your baby. But remember that a yeast infection worse.
If your child is infected with the rash, the rash can by following these tips alone can be improved. Your doctor may use a recipe for a special cream on your child's rash.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Your child had a wave of heat. She saw him well. You should not use baby powder for babies. Our doctor has to use ourselves never to babies.

brevejun... said...

Until you see what it is, let me sit in peace and not all on him. Just try to keep as dry as possible. It may be eczema, and if so, would Eucarin better and help the itching. If there is one other thing (a fungal infection, for example) Eucarin lotion may burn, sting or terrible. By discovering what it is to leave him alone. For Gooping with ointments, powders, lotions, etc and not knowing what actually could be worse ...

arkansas... said...

Sounds like a heat rash, as they continue to appear in the folds of her skin. Back to baby powder. Cool area (let your skin breathe! No wrapping him too) and dry (Baby Powder)

My oldest had eczema, but do not develop until she was a child. Fortunately, the 10 years he has grown up around them.

Keep appointments with your doctor anyway ..... Good luck!

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