Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Narcolepsy How Serious Of A Condition Is Narcolepsy?

How serious of a condition is Narcolepsy? - narcolepsy

I may have developed narcolepsy, and wanted to know the severity of the disease.

I need to know whether I should go crazy right now or not.


I'm MR. T, FOO! said...

This is ridiculous ... ;)

Patrick said...

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disease, which governs by the inability of the brain's normal sleep wake cycle. It causes excessive sleepiness, without notice, and at inappropriate times. If the need is overwhelming, patients fall asleep during the periods of a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or more. Many factors contribute to sleep disorders and in neurological diseases. Sleep attacks occur, therefore, day and night.

People who suffer from narcolepsy, is a danger to themselves and can fall asleep involuntarily others.People at work or school, a conversation, a game, a meal, or, more dangerously, driving a driving a car or operating other types potentially dangerous machinery.

Narcolepsy is a chronic and permanent, but the symptoms can be managed and controlled. Note that every person is different and the response to treatment depends on the severity of symptoms. Some medications for self -Ions have proven lifestyle changes and alternative therapies to be effective in reducing the frequency of episodes of narcolepsy.

Often the symptoms are severe and the narcolepsy is so frustrating that people immediately turn to traditional medicine to relieve the symptoms. It is also important to prevent the symptoms, to control the potential risks involved in sudden sleep attacks.

Drugs that are used primarily to treat narcolepsy are stimulants and antidepressants. Although these medications can control symptoms in varying degrees to help them not with the causes and can cause unwanted side effects.

Natural treatments can be combined with conventional medicine or as an alternative that can people a safe place and all the natural choice for the promotion of better health and longevity can be used. Natural remedies to improve the symptoms and can also help to maintain their own physical, mental and emotional.

A combination of treatments with herbal and homeopathic ingredients advantageous as Hypericum perforatum, Schizandra cHines lactate, calcium lactate, magnesium and vitamin B6 can provide relief for narcolepsy. Is through the integration of natural resources in their treatment plan, you can get regular sleep habits and improve their quality of life. It is important to stop the prescription medications without consulting your doctor or research supervision of a health professional for free or homeopaths.

For detailed information, if you want the link below Source

josh said...

Serious because there is no cure. Of course, they can treat the symptoms, but the MED can be expensive and can cause many side effects. It depends on the severity of narcolepsy is cataplexy, and if you are also good. (Narcolepsy are many)

I suffer from narcolepsy and frusturating what I had to try it.

Narcolepsy Base makes your life a struggle and a struggle than it already is. And do not think easily.

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